Church News
What a beautiful week! Hope you have spent sometimes outside or have opened the windows in your home...
They worshiped together at the Temple each day, met in homes for the Lord’s Supper, and shared their meals with great joy and generosity all the while praising God and enjoying the goodwill of all the people. And each day the Lord added to their fellowship those who were being saved. Acts 2:46-47 (NLT)
There is nothing like a Sunday at church when baptisms or a new members are celebrated. This week, we will have 2 baptisms and 2 new members. you really want to be here. Pentecost is our celebration of the gift of the Holy Spirit to the church. God's love for us is so great, that he never leaves us- instead, sending the Holy Spirit to live in us and among us. Doesn't it excite you that God is adding to our fellowship? That is the movement of the Holy. You can wear red this Sunday as we celebrate!!
Thursday morning at Praise and Prayer I asked what we might do to plant seeds into the lives of others, so we too could continue to share the Good News of Jesus. Thursday evening Leadership team discussed the same question. So I ask each of you; how can you intentionally love your neighbor in such a way that leads to Gospel seed planting conversation? If WE as the church believe someone else will do it, we have forgotten the very basis of our commitment in following Jesus. Believe in Jesus- yes, then grow in faith and tell others so that their lives might be transformed.
I pray you and I continue to invite others into a conversation about knowing Jesus. I can't imagine what might life might be like now if I wasn't encouraged, assisted, taught and sometimes held accountable to the vows in my membership:
"Faithfully participating in the ministries by your prayers, your presence, your gifts, your service and your witness."
This week at Harris Hill UMC
Saturday May 22
- 10am Prayer Shawl meeting and teaching. For those interested in the prayer shawl ministry come to learn how to crochet or kit prayer shawls. What a blessing this ministry has been to many in our area and around the country
- 9am- Bible study at This Little Pig restaurant -all are invited- 4401 Transit Rd -Williamsville
Sunday May 23
- 10am Pentecost Sunday, including baptism and new members service in person, Facebook live, parking lot
- 11am First Love Small group- chapters 36- the end of the book
Monday May 24th
- 6:30 pm First Love Zoom small group chapters 36-the end of the book
- 7pm Al-Anon Group in person at the church
Tuesday May 25th
- 9am-12pm Hearts for the Homeless COOKIE DROP OFF
Tuesday May 25th
- 6:30pm The Path Gathering all are welcome, if you would like to share your testimony please speak to Katie
Wednesday May 26th
- 10am Overeaters Anonymous all are welcome
Thursday May 27th
- 8:45 am Prayer and Praise worship -book of Acts
- 6:30-7:30pm Covid Support Group- 1 night
Senior High graduation is right around the corner and we need your help in showing our love and support .
Each year we put together scrapbooks filled with notes, cards or letters encouraging them in life and faith. I would ask if you would please purchase a card or write out a note that would be included in their books, they would always know of the love and support of their church family at Harris Hill UMC. You do not have to know them to participate. Many of us have been strengthened by a scripture, a song or a kind word and it would be wonderful for you to pass it on to another generation!
Here are the names of the graduates:
- Caleb Babula
- Kaylee Babula
- Christine Lehr
- Devon Quay
- Kenny Silvestro
We are learning more and more about the power of invitation. Why not invite someone to church, small group or to participate in ministry? Asking a friend to bake cookies for the homeless is an easy way to include someone in the life of the church. Watching a service on Facebook, or asking what they might need you to pray for. Opportunities are all around us, keep you ears open and your heart overflowing with God's grace and love!
Pastor Katie Zettle