Harris Hill UMC IS OPEN!

Church Is Open

The church has officially re-opened. For the safety and care of all who enter this place we are following these guidelines:

  • If you are sick in any way, please do not come into the building
  • You will be required to sanitize your hands upon entering
  • All people ( over the age of 2) are required to wear a mask in the building
  • You will be asked to fill out a covid-19 questionnaire. If you are awaiting test results for Covid, please do not come to the building. We would ask for you to have a negative test or quarantine for 10 days- being symptom free to return
  • We continue to ask for 6 foot distancing between individuals
  • Ushers will seat you to provide adequate spacing
  • No singing in the church other than the worship team
  • We are asking folks to leave the building following worship

Pre-Registration is no longer necessary to attend worship in person.

Small groups have resumed.