Harris Hill has lots of opportunities for individuals to become more active both in and outside of the church:
- Ministries
- Small Groups
- Bible Studies
- Committees
- Volunteering
- Fund Raisers
- Building and Grounds Maintenance
Jesus told his discpiles, "you are the light of the world" (Matthew 5:14). He didn't say, "You are the light of the church." Being actively involved in meeting the needs of the community is vital to keeping the church relavent in the 21st century. To see a full list of Harris Hill's current ministries visit the Ministires page.
Small groups are a great way to get to know the people that attend Harris Hill. Information about our Bible study groups, outreach centered groups, and just for fun groups can be found on the Small Groups page.
It takes the effort of many individuals to carry out service on Sunday and keep the church well maintained. Contact the church office if you are interested in any of the following activities:
- Greeter (Sunday Morning)
- Pew Care
- Usher
- Cooking
- Baking
- Gardening
- Children's Message
- Sunday School Teacher
- Coffee Bar
- Library
- Office Assistant
- Greeting Card Ministry
- Advertising
- Book Keeping/Finance
- Scripture Reading
- Church Sign
- Worship Visuals (banners, flowers, decorating)
- Visitation to Homebound Members
- Go! UMCOR Kit Assembly
- Weekly Email Prayer List
- Soup Kitchen: Cooking or Serving
- Hospitality (welcoming visitors)
- Worship Sound/Graphics
- Children's Events (VBS, Carnival, etc)
- Safety Escort
- Transportation
- Handyman