Adult Small Group

Meets 11:00AM Sundays in person

Referred to in the bulletin as "The Church at Study" Adult Sunday School is considered a part of Sunday Worship. No experience required! Each session focuses on a different topic and the content is meant to be accessible to all individuals present. Contact the Church Office for more information.

Thursday Bible Study

Meets 7:30AM Thursday mornings

Contact the Church Office for more information.

"TLP" Bible Study

Meets Saturday 9:00AM at "This Little Pig" Restaurant

Contact the Church Office for more information.

Men's Soup Kitchen

Meets the last Monday of every month at the church

The Men's Soup Kitchen cook for the Friends of Night People shelter in downtown Buffalo. Open to anyone. Just show up or contact Jason Lehr for more information.

Journey/Women's Small Group

Meets throughout the month

Contact Church Office for more details.

Internet Prayer Team

Prayer lists emailed weekly

Each Sunday the prayers of the congregation are lifted up as well as recorded and distributed to the Internet Prayer Team to be prayed for throughout the week. Send your email address to to get up to date prayer requests.

Have an idea or an interest you would like to see as a small group? Need another day or time? Email the church to see if one can be started